Thursday, November 13, 2008

This Prop 8 Shit.

I was gonna mention it earlier on but fuck it I had forgotten. Anyway, while the election aka Barack Obama=complete domination was goin down, in Cali they were votin on whether to overturn the Gay Marriage law (aka Prop 8) and with 52% or some shit like that...they did indeed do it.

I couldn't help but notice ppl's Facebook statuses bitchin about this. Me personally, it's a gray area for me and this is my time to break down why even if I don't really agree with gay ppl gettin married, I don't really care.

Why I think it's fucked up:
1) It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Eve and Julie.
2) It just doesn't look right.

Why I don't necessarily think it's a big deal:
1) People hardly follow the Bible word for word anyway and less ppl believe in God these days.
2) If you love someone like that and could see yourself with them for the rest of ur life then fuck it.

Me personally, if I was in Cali and had a gun to my head to vote on Prop 8...yeah I would've voted yes to it. I don't have a problem with homosexual people living together, bonin each other, celebrating life with each other all that good shit. At the end of the day, ehhhh, I don't know about them being in harmony in that aspect, particularly getting nuptials. At the same time though, it doesn't directly affect me and it shouldn't be my choice to affect other people's lives and lifestyles. Ultimately, I would have remained neutral to the whole thing if that gun wasn't pointed to my head hah.

BUT: I am 100% against them having children. Imagine being the adopted child and growing up having two fathers or two mothers. I'm a firm believer that you need to have a father figure in your life to keep you steady, tough and level-headed, while the mother is the nurturer, care-taker and the one who you draw your strength from. You can't have that balance if you have it skewed one way or another.

And so on.

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