Monday, November 24, 2008

High School Reunion.

On an otherwise unremarkable weekend; I decided for the fuck of it to hit up my high school's 5-year reunion. Mainly I wanted to go for the humor aspect of the situation- I was that dude in HS that knew just about everyone but didn't bother gettin too close to anyone (and I'm still like that to this day). My HS (St. Francis Prep) there's just a unique aspect to it. Our graduating class was 650 and in general it's a huge school...yet you always felt like it was home. It was very cliquish but everyone was in harmony at the same time. The lunch tables were perfect examples of this hah- they were separated based on where you were from (ie- ppl from Whitestone sat on one table, ppl from Howard Beach, Cheerleaders, Football Team, Black ppl, etc.) I couldn't do that after a while though since I was a social butterfly.

Nevertheless, for $40 I figured it'd definetly be worth it to say "Oh shit" about 70 times and say whats good to ppl. When I got there, it's not like many people looked much different, if at all. The only difference really was now everyone was LEGALLY able to drink hah. The girls still looked bangin, even if I still have no chance with them- unless liquor is involved then it increases from 0 to 7%. One thing that surprised me was how there were a lot of friendships that successfully carried over from Prep that have passed the test of time...and that's the weird advantage of being such a big school- the ppl who are regional to you you share that common bond that manages to last.

Thank God there was an open bar because as dope as the first hour being there just became a lot of walking around for me after a certain point. Most of my convos with people generally lasted about 3-5 min and for it being a 5-year and with the shit economy...I'm not gonna lie I found it a bit awkward asking and answering that "so what're you doin now" question ugh. The people who I expected to be there weren't, and vice-versa. The shocker of the year was that I didn't get much of the way of "let's hang out sometime" nor number exchanges. It was a combination of seeing right through it, and general apathy to be honest. I'm terrible at following through with phone calls and shit because I've gotten to the point where especially with chicks, even if I do call...I ain't gonna get an answer so I get apathetic. I did get this one chick's digits...will I call her? Probably not; but if she's on Facebook I'll go that route first hah.

God Bless Facebook.

Oh, afterwards, everybody decided that we would go down the infamous Bell Blvd to this spot called Sullivans to drink more. To my shock, a lot of the Prep Heads actually wound up there and stayed til the wee-hours of the morning. Bell Blvd is not my cup of tea- as I rarely ever hung out there...but it was straight. I would have stayed there longer but I had to go to the city to meet up with some people...which turned out to be a bad idea; backfiring in my face and leaving me more frustrated than I was even before...but I'm not even gonna go there right now.

Do I wish I was back in High School? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I wish I never damaged my shoulder and actually played my senior year in football. I do wish I hadn't gone to an all-boys school prior to Prep- as I felt like I was playing catch-up. I sorta wish I was a "cool transfer" and went to more Sweet 16s (but I never got invited to any really...except one or 2). If Prep was'd be hilarity at its finest. I'm sure I'll come back on November 2013 for the 10-year and I'll see these Prep Heads married with each other and all that good shit. And hopefully, we'll hang out sometime.

And so on.

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