Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day.

I'm so fuckin tired. All I know is the following:

1) I love dollar van races down Merrick Blvd.
2) Some girl got hit by a car and her body was just lying down face-first on the ground. I really hope she didn't die.
3) 945am is far too early to be getting to the Parade.
4) Remind me never to buy a pint of Grey Goose ever again. $22? FUCK. Shoulda stuck to the Georgi for $4.75 back in the R-Block.
5) Way to go teenagers. Of course you're not gonna know your limits and some chick who couldn't be older than 16 I had to have the pleasure of seein her eyes roll back (for all the wrong reasons) as she had way too much to drink. Before noon. The kids had no idea what to do with her. Give her water??? You gotta be kidding me.
6) The parade itself was aight. It's a million times more civilized than the West Indian Day Parade I'll tell you that much. Then again, there's a huge difference between Eastern Parkway in the BK and 5th Avenue in the city ha. I wish I could get some of that band music on iTunes ha. Next year though it'd probably be better to just hit up the bars and whatnot. The guy-girl ratios are worse in a dude's favor also on St. Patty's Day as opposed to with Hoboken or the Seaport's respective strolls.
7) I had a good time overall chillin with 2 of my homegirls. 1 on 2s are usually a good thing, up until you get boxed out of a conversation. Not really that big of a deal but of course when that happens you wonder whether or not your company is really wanted.
8) Middle-aged drunk people are hysterical, always with some lame-ass joke to tell girls 20-25 years their junior.
9) Having a phone that can only receive calls (can't send nor receive txts either) for the time being is a fuckin nightmare. It's basically a beeper in that case but with voice.
10) I definitely don't have the early in me anymore...I was pretty much tired by like 330 (then again I hadn't ate all morning prior) and by 5pm I was out of it (ehh I was a tad drunk but it was much more being tired).

Buck 'em down.

And so on.

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