Monday, March 2, 2009

Kickboxin Debut.

Man I tell ya, this weekend wasn't the best but it was far from the worst. Nothin entertaining really popped off, things just were how they were. I for one however DESPISE it with a passion when people try to force you to cancel plans which ultimately are for no reason. Don't get me wrong, I love my older sister (even though I don't express it much) but don't try to ruin my plans by tellin me that I have to get her...only for her friend out of the blue to call at like 1215 to tell me otherwise. You gotta be kiddin me. This wouldn't be a big deal except I wanted to drink Friday night. Thursday night was mediocre and Saturday night was one of those chill nights. Ya dig? I live a borin ass lifestyle these days.

With that said, I needed to kick start a new routine in my life. So I decided to hit up Valley Stream (which is the town over from the R-Block over the border to dreaded LI) and hit up the Extreme Muay Thai Gym. I've been dead set about joining a kickboxing school but all the ones that I've seen were in the city and likely hella expensive. I passed by this spot practically ALL THE TIME and didn't even realize it existed. Foolish me. Anyways, I get there a half-hour early as told by the instructor and he shows me some basic moves. I'm already bustin a small sweat; I mean damn I know I got extra insulation but still. When the actual class starts, of course you gotta stretch out a bit and then do hella pushups, situps and shit. It's embarassing not being able to do that many pushups lemme tell you. Tryin to push up and down 255 pounds 50x isn't easy, let alone tryin that 5x. FUCK! But I survived. Holdin your legs up in the air to do crunches and then keepin your legs lifted up for a full minute is a bitch and a half also. Afterwards, it was the cardio aspect of it and see...I did Taebo for a little while and I thought that was somethin...Billy Blanks wouldn't have shit on this. On top of this we had to run around the ring like 10x, including backwards. YIKES! The cool part though was the last 20 or so minutes- doing some sparring activities. I had to get used to it initially with the blocking and kicking...but I caught on relatively quickly. Man, when you do the last minute of straight back-to-back midlevel kicks...DEAR GOD that's a helluva workout in that alone. But I thought it was dope; my expectations were met and I'm gonna become a member. $150/month is solid for unlimited sessions. I guarantee you you'll see a new DK in about 3 months time. The one from the Summer of 2006 is comin back, that aura I had back then was lethal.

And so on.

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