Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Carribbean Temper- Worst Temper to Fuck With.

Sometimes when I'm in a foul mood (like I have been for a while up until last night), I tend to notice how foul my temper is and can be in comparison to say, someone else who may be Irish, Italian, Spanish, Asian, etc. I mean, certain groups of people (whether ethnic/race-wise or even with personalities) have worse tempers than others. However, being Haitian and living in a predominately Carribbean neighborhood in southeast Queens...I have concluded that having that West Indian temper is the most vicious (and most intimidating) one can possibly have.

There are three kinds of this temper.

The first type is who I call the Hiroshimas. These people get set off so quick you don't even know what hit you nor how to react to which. Jamaicans are notorious for it (through my experience- but it's really in general with all Carribbeans), you can have a normal convo but if it gets to something sensitive and they are easily irritable, watch yourself because once they're set off, there will be damage. For days. If you try to add more fuel to the fire it just makes it worse. Don't bother arguing with them, because not only will we fight until we are right; but they'll take no for an answer and EXPECT you to answer back to them.

That leads me to the 2nd type (which I am) and it's the Hurricane. This is the type who you could piss off, but you will never know it because they'll act as if nothing ever happened...or, when you expect them to blow up, they actually don't. We shut down. However, you know this pent-up rage is building...and building...and building, and when it's set off- forget about it FEMA will not save your ass. At least with the Hiroshimas, the bomb will be set off but the aftermath won't be as bad because it's more constant. With the Hurricanes, no because there's a lot of wrath and anger/frustration that gets unleashed all at once and for me it may be too much to handle. Sometimes I'm even apologetic as to how angry I really got hah- but if you don't know me; I like to hide a lot of shit from within so you don't know what I'm thinking. It may be the reason why my mind goes at 100mph but that's a whole nother story.

Finally, you got the Lumps on the Log. The stubborn ass folk. This is especially true in Haitians because you can clash with one of them but they'll just nod their head and pretend to agree with what you said, or simply dismiss you and just shut their ears off and only pick out parts of the argument that they want to hear and throw it at you. I can be this also; usually a combination of the Hurricane and Lump on the Log. Thing is that when the Lump is right, you'll just get a HAH!; if the Lump is wrong, you'll get an Oh I see. Either way they'll also never admit when they are wrong. It's very effective against a Hiroshima because you'll just irritate the ever living crap out of them because you're not giving into what they're looking for. They may think a Lump is a pussy when in actuality they're being the bigger person (at least in my opinion).

Either way, the intensity of the temper is unparalleled. Carribbeans can be hella nice and friendly. Just do NOT piss us off, as you will regret it. We argue/fight nasty and are about as unpredictable as you can get. I know I am. I can be pissed but you never know it...or I can just explode at any given time and there's no stopping it...it almost turns into a blind rage. Or...I can be stubborn as all fuck and let you believe that you're right until you find out on your own that you're truly...a jackass. Or you may actually be right but took you longer than you thought...because I won't admit it, unless it's blantant of course.

And so on.

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