Each week for the next several weeks I'm gonna give yall a glimpse into my playbook on how I approach the ladies. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but as long as they make an appointment with Mr. I Can't Make an Appointment then you win.
The Two-Man Bob-N-Weave is run as follows:
Say you're at a spot and there's a cluster of chicks and you happen to know one or two of them. It's easy to slide in there say wassup to the chick(s) that you know; introduce your boy to that chick and in that context it will allow her to make it easy to introduce her entire clan. From there unless this chick wants you, it is relatively easy to pick-and-click on the chicks that you want to talk to. The most effecient way of doing this is by boxin out just having the four of you talk in a square so both are getting the equal amount of attention. Then you can post up with one while the other does the same thing. If you play your cards right then they're gonna forget about their other friends and you got it in the bank.
If you don't know any of them you just have to keep in mind that you have nothing to lose and even if you get rejected, the ladies probably respect the fact you had the balls to come into their territory. You just can't be awkward with it that's all. Pretty similar to the Manu Ginobili Wild Drive (which is another play in my book).
- Counter-Attack: The Spygate/Swoop from Above. A technique that although I've seen before I never actually thought it would work but the chicks musta been fickle as fuck- is when a set of dudes watch your style and after seein how willing-and-able they are...feel like they have a shot. So one guy makes a move and with her friend seeing this, walks over to her and the dude introduces his other boy to her. Their 2 other cronies are there for insurance purposes in effect doin the bodyguard thing. Your only hope is that the chicks recognize what's crackin and they go back to you. This is a devastating counterattack that can lead you to being frustrated but you have to keep your cool. It was a good game you played hard but you just got out-flanked and out-numbered.
Quote of the Week: "I feel like Joey Porter vs. New England"- my boy Lee after we suffered that Spygate attack on Thursday night. For those that don't understand the quote- he's referring to when Porter made a comment that he now feels cheated that the Pats probably cheated their way to victory in the 2005 AFC Championship game while Porter was a member of the Steelers.
Ask DK section:
From Kevin: I was talking to my girl the other day and she was talking about her guy friend the "Ladder Theory" popped into my head and I told her about it and showed it to her and told her how he wasn't really her friend cause he wanted to sleep with her and yada yada. She sat there and denied it even though he called her drunk a few weeks ago and confessed his undying love for her so I decided to prove her wrong. I grabbed her phone as she sat beside and texted the kid and said shit like "Am I pretty?" and all that shit to make it seem like it was her. Then I came up with the genius idea to make up a story saying (acting like it's her texting) "Some guy I turned down at the mall got pissed at me and told me I was so ugly that even if I stood in front of a guy naked that he wouldn't have sex with me" and we waited for a response. As she sat there and told me that he would say, and I quote.. "He would say he would but we are too close so he wouldn't want to ruin our friendship". As I laughed in her face her phone went off and in the text it said something along the lines of "If it were me I def. would". I didn't even care he wants to fuck my gf cause I was just so damn happy to prove that the Ladder Theory actually works and I still continue to bring it up to her.
My response to that: Tru story. When you go holla at a chick you first do it for the looks effect. Once you're in the friends zone it's hella difficult if not impossible to get out of, and she loses a lot of that flair/sex appeal that she initially would have had. Your interest in her becomes obsolete, even in just having normal conversation. The thought process is "Fuck, not another friend/someone to talk to about how my day is going zzzz". Granted, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule; one being if she's your boy's girlfriend and two if you're actually comfortable with being just a friend with her (which I bet you only have 2-3 of which).
From Mookie: Why is Wale so good?
My response to that: This dude is pretty effin good. Check him out here. What makes me a converted fan of his is that the dude seems to have a combined down south/east flow and he's also not always rappin about that bling bling bullshit. To me, he's a better version of Kanye West.
And so on until next time you rat bastards.
A Letter to The Greatest
8 years ago
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