Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debates & DK.

I've written before on here how I'm not politically inclined or tend to pay attention to politics in any way, shape or form. And there are times in which actually I do try to get interested...but it just does not work for me. It should be a big deal to me that I have a say as to who's gonna be elected and what they plan on doing. However, obviously politicians for the most part are speakers and not doers...and if they are doin somethin, its prostitutes (Eliot Spitzer) or cheatin on a cancer-striken wife with someone else (John Edwards) so who the hell knows what to believe these days. I mean, what they do in their personal lives shouldn't really be anyone's business but if they can't keep their morals in check and let it blow up in their faces...of course it's gonna have an effect on that person's perception- regardless of what they've done in office before.

With that said, last night I did try to watch the debate, I really did. The topic was on the economy, which I sorta care about because it's guap we're talkin about here. Guap= important in my life and to everyone's lives. After about twenty minutes however, I just couldn't watch anymore. Both candidates had decent ideas on what to do (I don't remember them off-hand) but the majority of the time was spent with off-topic shit such as bills and votes placed by themselves or their opponent in which most had nothing to do with the economic situation. Plus, at the end of the day, the only people debates really are gonna interest are the swing voters. Most people are gonna elect whichever party they feel most inclined to already, regardless of candidate. Democrats are gonna go with Obama 99.99% of the time and Republicans are gonna go with McCain 99.99% and are gonna have their biases. I'm sure each side is gonna listen to what their future vote says and view it positively and the opponent's view negatively no matter what and say "Ohh shit my nigga killed it OBAMA 08 SON".

My dad nevertheless got all over me for not caring about the debate going on some tangent bullshit. "THIS IS YOUR FUTURE YOU SHOULD CARE." Well yes, I try to but at the end of the day, it's not what they say today that determines their legacy, it's what they actually end up doing (if they get to be president) that does. "KIDS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY ARE INTERESTED WHILE YOU'RE NOT, IT'S A SHAME." I'm sure that most kids 18-24 are and more power to them. Like I said, both candidates are saying what they need to say so we can hear them out, but should we truly LISTEN? My dad though will turn around and make that statement a double standard however if I were to go for example "KIDS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY DRINK." Live above the influence.

I almost feel that these debates for most of America are fillers. Honestly the most important debates are the ones within the actual parties themselves (i.e Hilary vs. Obama) because in my mind, whoever you choose for at that time then you deem fit to be president; it's like granting them a free pass for your presidential vote anyway no matter how many debates were to be had.

Sidenote: Me and my boys discussed this at decent length last month and the way people are looking up to Obama is kinda scary (near Messiah level...if you don't believe me, look at all the damn Obama shirts goin around in the hood...sheeeit I even found an Obama watch for $9.99). I feel like at times there's almost too much hype surrounding the dude and were he to be the next president, his moves are gonna be followed extra closely and the minute he fucks up....EVERYONE is gonna be up his ass.

That's my 3 cents. Keep the change.

And so on.

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