Friday, November 7, 2008

My January Trip.

I figure I need a break from NYC. God bless this place, but every now and then you gotta get away from it all and explore your options elsewhere as a temporary fix. It's almost as if you gotta go get drunk or some shit hah. Though I've changed quite a bit with my life at the moment, I feel like I'm goin through the same monotone bullshit. Thinkin about where to go, I basically had two places in mind and then a few wild cards. In my own version of Indecision '08 here are your candidates:

Montreal (Barack Obama aka the favorite): This may become a no-brainer if I can get a few of my boys to come through. I used to go here as a child because I had family over there and it's hella nice and clean. Now that I'm older obviously, I can take advantage of the drinking and gambling hah. As well as the nightlife. Plus, apparently Canadian girls are the shit...and I don't doubt this because I have experienced this myself. Granted it's gonna be cold as hell but so will my #2 candidate in this. Montreal from what it sounds like is a live place to be, even if half the shit I won't understand because it's French hah. Not to mention, I can drive or take the bus there and it won't be that expensive for a nice getaway.

Chicago (John McCain aka the underdog): If you asked me this question a couple of months ago, there would have been no doubt I'd be going here. Some sense of doubts later and here I stand. While yes, one of my better girl friends lives around this area...I always question my stance with her because now she's in a relationship...and even though we feel like we need to meet and would be perfect for each other, I have my doubts. It's a high-risk, moderate-to-high reward and it may or may not be the perfect time for me to fuck with it in that aspect. On the other hand, I do have another friend that lives out there and I could visit her for that weekend. If Montreal falls apart, then Chicago it will be. It's a tough uphill climb for the Chi right now but it can easily win too.

Long Shots-

Virginia: Haven't really given it much thought, can be a sleeper pick (to go visit a girl friend of mine) but what can I possibly do out there aside from that hah?

Arizona: They got some bangin chicks over there at the universities and I do know somewhat some ppl that live out there...but yes another far-fetched idea.

Toronto: A place I really do want to visit and fuck with...but that's likely not gonna happen until Caribana.

Michigan/Ohio: see Virginia

New Orleans: True, but I've been down there before. Obviously it'd be fun to go down for Mardi Gras but I'd want something new.

Denver: An underrated city, looks dope (or at least the Real World that season made it out to be) but I just don't know.

Texas: Probably the most far-fetched of them all. First, where in Texas (it'd probably be West Texas to visit my homegirl) and secondly, with the viciousness of ppl down there right now post-election, this might be a volatile time to go.

That's all for now. I'm sure I'll make my decision by the end of the month.

And so on.

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